Saturday, June 8, 2013

556 miles in May

May was a delightful month to ride and I tried to take regular advantage of it.  Some of the mornings were very cool (frosty even) and the days rather pleasant which I greatly enjoyed.  I covered 556 road miles in May but I also realized that these cool air miles were no real training for the heat and humidity I'd be dealing with in August.  Be that as it may I will not find a way to complain about the delights of such a wonderful month!  I had no mechanical problems or flats and physically everything seems to be working for me pretty well as I am learning nutrition and recovery strategies.
One of my rides was an 84 mile venture which included a visit to the Alma Highland Festival.

As a member of the clan I was there in time to join the clan processional for the opening ceremonies.

I cannot take my health for granted and daily I am thankful to God that I have good food, good health, and the physical ability to enjoy riding such as I do.  The opportunity for me to be able to use these blessings to help generate resources for ministries which can help others break out of the cycle of poverty is something I am glad I feel compelled to do.     Support Doug on Sea to Sea